Who am I? クイズはなぞなぞのようなもので、ものとか人の特徴を言ってそれが何かを当てるゲームです。子どもに人気なので、英語レッスンでよく使われます。
この記事では、Who am I?クイズの使い方やすぐに使えるWho am I?クイズリストをアルファベット順に用意しています。
多くのWho am I?サイト(英語)を参考に作っていて、Grammarlyとネイティブチェック済みです。
色の例:I can be red, white, green, or purple. (grape)
大きさの例:I am smaller than a watermelon.
形の例:I am round.
I am long.
I am shaped like a ~.
I look like a ~.
味の例:I am sweet.
I am sour.
~の仲間:I am from the same family as ~.
Eat a Rainbowをレッスンタイトルにします。赤・オレンジ・黄色・黄緑・緑・紫の野菜・果物を食べると、色々な栄養が取れて健康に良いことを伝えます。
野菜・果物カードを色分けするアクティビティをしても。Who am I? クイズは色についての文を入れます。
Who am I? クイズはリスニングで導入としても、クイズづくりをしてメインのアクティビティとしても使えます。
クッキングの前や食べた後にWho am I?クイズをします。
I am a ~ fruit that…
I am a ~ vegetable that…
I am a red fruit.
I grow on a tree.
I am a red fruit that grows on a tree.
Who am I? のリスニング問題のヒントとしてフォニックスの復習ができます。例えばappleの問題を先生が言う。その後にA, aのカードを見せて、文字とフォニックスの基礎音を言う。答えはappleかな?と生徒が思いつきやすくなります。
すぐに使える!Who am I? 野菜・果物クイズ
A, a apple, apricot, asparagus, aubergine, avocado
I can be red, green or yellow.
I grow on a tree.
You can cook me in a pie.
I am a heart shaped.
Eating me every day keeps the doctor away.
答え:apple リンゴ
B, b banana, beetroot, broccoli, beans
I grow on a tree.
I can be peeled.
I can be in a cake.
I am green when I am young.
You usually see me after I turn yellow.
I am white inside.
Monkeys love me.
答え:banana バナナ
C, c carrot, cherry, cabbage, celery
You can drink my juice, but I am not a tomato.
You can peel me, but I am not a potato.
You can find me in curry.
I can be in a cake.
I am a snowman’s nose.
I am orange.
Rabbits and horses love me.
答え:carrot ニンジン
D, d daikon, dill
I am grown underground.
I am popular in Japan.
I am thick and long.
I have beautiful white skin.
You see me in winter.
You can find me next to a grilled fish.
答え:daikon 大根
E, e eggplant, endive
I am purple outside.
My flesh is white.
I have a green hat.
I am white inside.
I can become a tasty tempura.
答え:eggplant なす
F, f fig, fennel
I am sweet.
I am smaller than an apple.
I have lots of seeds.
I can be made into jam.
I make your bones strong.
I also make your skin beautiful.
答え:fig いちじく
G, g grape, garlic, ginger, green bean, guava
I can be purple or light green outside.
I grow on vines.
I am grown in a group.
I am sweet but I can be made into a dry wine.
I am always white inside.
答え:grape ぶどう
H, h horseradish, huckleberry, honeydew melon
I am hard outside.
I am juicy inside.
My flesh can be white, light green or orange.
My name includes honey because I am very sweet.
I am expensive in Japan but cheap in some other countries.
答え:honeydew melon ハネデューメロン
I,i ice plant, iceberg lettuce
ice plantは南アフリカ原産の野菜。プチプチとした触感。生、ゆでる、焼く、揚げるなどして食べられる
I am a type of lettuce.
I have a cool and crisp taste.
You often see me in sandwiches.
I am good at wrapping other foods.
答え:iceberg lettuce レタス
J,j jackfruit
I am from Southeast Asia.
I am a largest fruit in the world.
I have a similar taste to banana, mango, and pineapple.
When I am young, I am not sweet.
Some people eat me as a meat alternative.
答え:jackfruit パラミツ
K, k kiwifruit, kale
I grow on a vine.
I am brown outside.
I sometimes have short fur.
I can make meat tender.
I can be green or gold inside.
答え:kiwifruit キウイフルーツ
L, l lemon, leek
I am long and straight.
I am green and white.
I can be thin or thick.
I am used in a hot pot dish.
I am from the same family as onions.
答え:leek ネギ
M, m mango, melon, mushroom
I am shaped like a large egg.
I am expensive in Japan but cheap in some other countries.
I can be yellow, orange or red.
I can be in a pudding.
You see me on a snow cone in Taiwan.
答え:mango マンゴー
N, n nectarine, nut
I contain a lot of protein.
I have a hard and dry shell.
I can be a fruit or the seed of a fruit.
If you are under 5, you should not eat me.
You might choke on me.
Some people are allergic to me.
答え:nut ナッツ
O, o olive, onion, orange
I am a root vegetable.
I can be white, red or purple.
I have many layers.
I can be peeled but I’m not a banana.
I can be made into rings.
I can make you cry.
You can find me in curry.
答え:onion たまねぎ
P, p papaya, paprika, parsley, potato, pumpkin, pea, pear, pineapple
I am grown underground.
I have skin.
I am usually brown.
I also have eyes but cannot see.
I can be boiled, mashed, fried, roasted, and baked.
Many people eat me.
You can find me in curry.
答え:potato じゃがいも
Q,q quince
I am yellow.
I taste sour.
I am shaped like a pear.
I can be in jam.
I keep your brain sharp.
答え:quince マルメロ
R, r radish, raisin, raspberry
I am full of vitamins.
I grow on bushes.
I am made up of many tiny balls.
I am a red fruit but I am not a strawberry.
You see strawberries more often than me.
答え:raspberry←スペリングに注意 ラズベリー
S, s strawberry, sweet potato
I grow in spring.
Many people visit and pick me in a field.
You often see my friends and me on top of a cake.
I can be in a smoothie.
I am a beautiful red fruit.
答え:strawberry イチゴ
T, t tomato, turnip
I’m red but I’m not a traffic light.
I’m round but I’m not a cherry.
I grow on vines but I’m not a grape.
You can find me in salads.
I’m also used to make pasta sauce.
答え:tomato トマト
U, u ugli fruit
I am similar to a grapefruit and a mandarin.
I am as big as a grapefruit, but I am sweeter than a grapefruit.
I am originally from Jamaica.
I currently live in the USA.
I do not like my name because I’m not ugly!
答え:ugli fruit
V,v vanilla, victoria plum
victoria plumはイングランドでとれるフルーツ。とても甘くて生で食べられるほか、タルトなどお菓子でも使われる。
I contain black round and tiny beans.
I smell sweet.
I am good for your brain.
You might love me in an ice cream.
答え:vanilla バニラ
W, w watermelon
I am big, round and heavy.
I have hundreds of tiny seeds.
I am green outside.
You like to smash me at the beach.
You see me in summer.
I am red inside.
答え:watermelon スイカ
X, x xigua
I am green outside.
I can be red or yellow inside.
I am sweet and refreshing.
This is my Chinese name.
答え:xigua(西瓜) スイカ
Y, y yam
My skin is like the bark of a tree.
I can be yellow, purple or white.
I live in hot countries in the Caribbean and Africa.
I am like a potato.
I can be in spicy soups.
答え:yam ヤム(イモ)
Z, z zucchini
I can be yellow, green or stripey.
I can grow up to a meter long.
I can be pan fried with garlic.
I look like a cucumber but I’m not.
I am from the same family as pumpkins.
答え:zucchini ズッキーニ
人気のWho am I?野菜・果物クイズは色々なレッスンに使えることがわかりました。英語を楽しみながら、健康について考えたり、興味が広がったり、好きな野菜が増えたり。一石五鳥ぐらいになると私も嬉しいです。